Teaching for Creativity
Supporting teachers to develop young people’s creativity through a broad and diverse curriculum
Schools & Teachers
Primary Arts Resources
All in one place!
Connecting teachers with resources & opportunities from London's arts & cultural sector
Dreamachine Lesson Plans
A unique learning experience asking life's big questions
Dreamachine Teacher CPD
Self care tools for teachers and educators
Arts Award Resources
A suite of resources providing information and guidance on Arts Award
Elevating the Arts in Your School
This resource supports the planning of curriculum-led art projects and explores how to elevate students' creative work
Reset Recovery Curriculum Resource
Use the creative arts to address the impact of the pandemic on your students’ lives & learning
Reset Collaboration Plan
Innovate for bigger and better impact with our cross-sector planning tool
Newham Trackside Wall Learning Guide
Supporting primary schools to engage with the new public art commission by artist Sonia Boyce
Making Dance Possible for All
Explore how dance can be used to support the creativity, learning & wellbeing of learners of all abilities
Bridging the Digital Divide
This podcast & accompanying resource offers advice on how to make the most of digital offers & build partnerships
Creative Wellbeing at Home
A series of video CPD sessions focused on wellbeing, balance, leadership and creative connection
Powerful Partnerships Resource Library
Essential tools & research supporting partnerships to achieve powerful outcomes for young people
Resource Archive
A bank of past resources which may be of interest