
A series of six full day CPD sessions delivered by creative literacy experts at the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education.

Booking for the Masterclasses opens on Wednesday 25 September 2024.

Each CPD session offers a stand-alone day of teacher development designed to support participants to explore and develop creative teaching approaches to a range of priorities around reader development: reading for pleasure, planning creatively around texts, poetry, using picture books, literacy through storytelling and drama.

The programme is designed so that each CPD session provides a comprehensive exploration of its topic and does not require participants to have attended any other sessions.

Participants at each session will:

• Hear from an expert advisory teacher from CLPE in partnership with a
high-profile children’s author/illustrator.
• Work with peers to explore and develop creative approaches to literacy
and reader development.
• Receive at least one high-quality book to take away.
• Take away teaching plans and resources to use in the classroom.
• Be invited to an exclusive twilight session following the Masterclass,
giving you the opportunity to explore the library and connect with peers,
with drinks and snacks provided.

Access & Inclusion

These Masterclasses will take an inclusive approach and are suitable for teachers working in state primary mainstream and SEND settings. An access budget is available to support participant engagement in this programme, for example for transport, BSL interpretation, or other costs.


Primary Arts Masterclasses are aimed at qualified teachers currently working at any level in state primary mainstream and special schools in London. The programme is designed to support teachers working with pupils in all primary year groups from Reception to Year 6.

Your school must be in a London borough to be eligible for the programme. If your school or a member of your school staff is participating in another area of the Primary Arts programme, you are still eligible to take part in this strand of the programme. Places will be limited to two participants per school for any given session.

What's on offer?

How to Book

There are 30 places available at each Masterclass. You are welcome to book to attend more than one Masterclass; each must be booked separately. Masterclasses will open for booking on Wednesday 25 September and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please book your place using the booking link. If your chosen Masterclass is fully booked, you will be able to join the waiting list.

Places will be limited to two participants per school for any given session.

Please note that while these Masterclasses are free of charge to attend, we may charge your school a fee of £150 per participant for no-shows or cancellations with less than three weeks’ notice of the event (excluding school holidays).

Booking for the Masterclasses opens on Wednesday 25 September 2024.

Book Now

Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE)

The CLPE is a UK-based charity. We support schools to teach literacy creatively and effectively, enabling children to read and write for purpose and for pleasure. We provide professional development and resources and conduct research into all areas of literacy, using findings to inform practice and contribute to national and international perspectives.


Book your space for our Masterclass sessions: