Case Study theme: Building equity

How do we make sure our project is inclusive, embraces the needs of children and builds equity?

The case studies in this collection describe projects that have developed inclusive learning experiences for pupils tailored to their specific backgrounds and needs, or are inclusively co-produced by pupils themselves. These projects recognise that the arts are vital for creating rich learning outcomes for everyone, not just within the curriculum but also building learning for qualifications outside of the curriculum. Examples span primary and secondary age groups and cover a range of arts and culture including music and performing arts.

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Case Studies: Building Equity

About these Case Studies

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch)’s report The Arts in Schools (1982), A New Direction commissioned this suite of case studies as a companion piece to new research by Pauline Tambling and Sally Bacon that reflects on arts and education 40 years since this seminal report. The new report will be released in March 2023.

Find out more about the Arts in Schools review.

This suite of case studies was curated by arts researcher Sarah B Davies.