Reflecting on Design

Brendan Lyons, Creativity Works Design alumni, gives us an insight into his journey

15 November 2016

From daydreaming to now – my visual voyage into the wonderful world of modern design…

Having recently graduated from the #CreativityWorks Design programme (sponsored by the Mayor’s Fund for London and delivered by Create Jobs in partnership with A New Direction, Create and Media Trust – more info at, I am currently on a mission to establish myself within the creative industries as an emerging graphic artist.

“6 weeks, 3 briefs, 1 portfolio of design work ready to present today @machinesroom @createjobs #creativityworks… Gearing up for the future” – @brely67

In doing the course, I learnt that good design represents a lot more than the scope of tools or technologies that you use. Far from being a mechanised process, it is a matter of good instinct (and good taste). Of being open to exploration, confronting the big ideas, and producing something unique. It is a combination of imagination, interpretation, style, craft and patience.

Illustrating the artistry behind perfect eyeliner using a ballpoint pen and Photoshop (still took longer applying the actual ink to my face though)

I also learnt how to integrate design thinking into my daily life, and to think outside the box not just in terms of content, but in terms of the media I use to express my ideas. From ink on paper (and skin) – to photography, iOS style – to recycled material, a Stanley knife, some thread and a needle (see Fixperts – and then eventually onto the Adobe Creative Suite; it’s all about taking an idea and communicating it using whatever platforms are available. Particularly under the digital craze of today, it’s more important than ever to be able to adjust to different ways of working, whether they be painting or pixelating.

At the Royal College of Art – the best place in the world to learn about design

Another important thing I learnt from #CreativityWorks is that our creative output is limited only by pre-judged standards of adequacy, and, as creatives, we’re continually challenging that in the work that we do. I like to think that my motivation comes from going above and beyond the general expectation with something original, through taking risks and daring to make it different, while remaining resilient, open to criticism and eager to produce something that satisfies both myself and the people I’m working with. Nobody creates in a vacuum, and one of the main things that the design process re-enforces is collaboration through communication and the building of good solid relationships.

“The #creativityworks #design after party. Look forward to working with you guys again @Create_Jobs” – @brely67

So, while I dream up more content to fill my page with, why not follow me, and feel free to check out my Instagram (, Twitter ( and, of course, my online portfolio (

Thanks for reading!