Staff INSET Resource

A resource for teachers and schools, exploring the value of the Teaching for Creativity pedagogies in your classroom.

This Staff INSET resource is designed as a twilight or short professional development session for you to deliver with your staff to explore and embrace the value of the Teaching for Creativity pedagogies in the classroom and to develop the language and creativity of your pupils.

The front cover of the Staff INSET Resource. It features six people sitting around a table, with a big piece of paper in the centre with a drawing. Underneath is text that reads: Staff Inset Resource / Teaching for creativity / Supporting teachers to develop young people’s creativity through a broad and diverse curriculum. A New Direction's logo is in the bottom right hand corner.
Staff INSET Resource from A New Direction

In a hands-on session, made up of practical, achievable, and engaging short-burst activities, teachers are able to quickly see routes into how to apply them as entry points across the curriculum and to cultivate the creative habits of their pupils to be imaginative, inquisitive, persistent, collaborative, and disciplined.

Teaching for Creativity comes from decades of research, now widely adopted into learning policies in more than 30 countries world-wide. Its rigorous body of knowledge suggests that when it’s embedded in schools, attainment improves, and more importantly, it articulates key competencies for young people to thrive in an ever-complex world.

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Teaching for Creativity

Like many others, A New Direction believes that creativity is an essential skill that can be taught. Through Teaching for Creativity, we want to support schools and teachers to develop the creativity of their students, whilst also helping to broaden and diversify the curriculum in response to the combined crises currently facing young people.

The pedagogies underpinning this work come from the five Creative Habits of Mind – a concept developed from decades of research that has now been widely adopted into learning policies across the globe. The Creative Habits of Mind offer a great tool for tracking the development of creativity in students of all ages.

As part of our ongoing Teaching for Creativity work, our sets of Taster Cards provide examples of how to practice the Creative Habits of Mind through a range of quick, playful activities. They aim to provide a scaffold for teachers who want to develop the creativity of their students across the curriculum.

Discover our Teaching for Creativity Taster Cards

Take part in Free CPD sessions, including a recorded webinar with Bill Lucas

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Teaching for Creativity Resources