Arts Enrichment with Young People in Care
Learning & outcomes from We Belong – a programme designed to improve the arts capacities of children in care
Schools & Teachers
Reflections on the Year 3 Project
A set of nine essays reflecting on learning from the Tate Year 3 Project
Listening Projects
Understanding the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and the events of 2020 on our partners, young Londoners, and the cultural landscape
Arts Award Gold Pilot
Understanding the barriers & enablers for young people undertaking Arts Award Gold in London
Place-Based Approaches: Characteristics & Learning
Two research papers in a building collection of place-based intelligence, focused on learning beyond the arts
Culture, Creativity and Narrowing the Gap
Case studies exploring how secondary schools are using pupil premium to enrich cultural education
Artsmark in SEND settings
Case studies exploring how Artsmark can support SEND settings in their arts strategy and delivery
Artsmark & Virtual Schools
A New Direction led a national consultation for Artsmark Award in Virtual Schools
SEND Research
A research report exploring arts & cultural provision for Special Educational Needs Learners in London
Research Archive
A bank of past research which may be of interest